Comforting News from Lennox!
Additional ways to Protect your Family at Home During COVID-19
While we have all been trying to find ways to protect ourselves during COVID, we can go the extra step to keep our family safe at home.
After months of rigorous testing at a highly reputed, independent laboratory, Lennox is excited to announced that its PureAir™ and PureAir™ S Air Purification Systems with the Lennox Healthy Climate™ Carbon Clean 16® air filter remove over 99% of the virus that causes COVID-191 from the air2
Lennox' residential air filtration systems removes over 99% of virus particles.
From the COVID-19 pandemic to wildfires, some of the biggest threats now are also the most microscopic. A particle needs to be 10 μm or less before it can be inhaled into your respiratory tract. But just how small are these particles? Check out the chart for relative sizes of some familiar particles: |
The Healthy Climate® Carbon Clean 16® is the most advanced media filter for ozone reduction and filtration of allergens and germs. It provides powerful filtration without restricting the airflow of your comfort system. Why is airflow restriction important? You know what it feels like breathing through a mask that is too dense, too thick? Same thing with a filter. With a too dense filter -- the system struggles to breathe. Lennox filters are designed with the lowest airflow restriction, improving comfort and efficiency, while protecting and possibly extending the life of your system. |
Click here for more informative details about this filtration!
Contact us for more details on how to keep your home's air as clean as possible!
1. When used properly with other best practices recommended by CDC and others, filtration can be part of a plan to reduce the potential for airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors
2. Removal efficiency based on third party testing results using MS-2 bacteriophage (ATCC 15597-B1). Bacteria representative of virus-sized particles like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. November 2020.